Selected Talks

Twilio SIGNAL @ SF: Congress on Speed Dial: Advocacy in the Age of Twilio (link)
University of South Carolina @ Darla Moore School of Business: How Data is Transforming the World: Hacking Tech, Aerospace, and Global Health
NASA JPL @ Pasadena: Space for Everyone: Visualization and Analysis with Open Space Data
OpenVizConf @ Boston: Mapping the Cosmos: Visualizing Millions of Objects in Space (link)
ideaCity @ Toronto: Ian Webster on mining in space (link)
NASA Economics of NEOs @ NASA AMES: A New Approach to Building Public Support for Space
EmpireJS @ NYC: Hacking Space with Javascript and WebGL
DevBootCamp @ SF: Passion Projects - The Secret to Successful Careers in Tech (link) Data Summit @ SF: How I Became a Rocket Scientist by Crunching the Numbers
World Technology Awards @ NYC: Asteroid Mining and Asterank (also a nominee)
Planet Labs @ SF: Space stuff
SpaceVision @ Raleigh, NC: Panel on space stuff
NASA/SETI Asteroid Hackathon @ Mountain View, CA: Talked about Asterank